Better Together Therapist Training
Better Together at Ghost Ranch
Lori Marchak, Better together founder
Experiential Workshop for Mental Health Professionals
Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, New Mexico
with Tahlia Rainbolt, EFT Supervisor, Jenny Fiebig, IFS Lead Trainer, and Laura Spiller, EFT SIT
Tuesday-Sunday, February 25-March 2, 2025
24 NBCC Credit Hours*
Limited to 35 Participants
Are you an Emotionally Focused Therapist intrigued by the Internal Family Systems model? Are you an IFS therapist who wants to offer your clients a more loving and co-regulating presence? Do you want to explore cutting-edge psychotherapy grounded in neuroscience? Join us as we expand our therapist presence and skills while integrating both models and beyond.
Ghost Ranch is a 21,000-acre preserve with stunning land, rock, and skyscapes and fascinating geographical, fossil, archeological, and art history. It is located 65 miles northwest of Santa Fe in Abiquiu, NM. Now a non-profit learning and education center, Ghost Ranch offers learning spaces, accommodations, dining services, and activities. We have a mid-day break each day and the entire afternoon on Friday set aside to explore the ranch and absorb its beauty, history, and spirituality.
We’ll celebrate all that the EFT and IFS models have given us and honor the challenges they present. We will see, hear, and appreciate each other for our accomplishments and struggles. Through experiential learning, we will grow our connection with our own selves and nervous systems by grounding in both models simultaneously

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), developed by Sue Johnson, continues to expand in recognition and popularity. It is perhaps the most respected and empirically supported couple therapy model. EFT is increasingly appreciated as a general model of psychotherapy for individuals, families, and groups. At the same time, Internal Family Systems (IFS), developed by Richard Schwartz, is spreading at lightning speed, not just in the psychotherapy world but across a wide range of professional disciplines.
Better Together is a relational parts model inspired by EFT, IFS, and PSIP, a protocol for accessing the body’s wisdom and healing at the autonomic nervous system (ANS) level. Like all of these models, Better Together radically de-shames, seeing “negative symptoms” or “parts” as positive attempts to maximize belonging. By working directly and relationally with client parts, we develop clarity, compassion, and a more substantial and safer working alliance.
An attachment-based parts model, Better Together, involves seeing, understanding, and supporting the client’s parts that emerge and engage in the room. With an appreciation of the enormous cultural and generational burdens we all carry, we bring radical support to these parts’ needs to protect the client from others, including ourselves as mental health professionals, as we are all limited in our capacity, willingness, and availability to provide needed support. We support clients in seeing and appreciating how strong, capable, and right their parts are to keep them safe. By embracing mistrust, we develop the client’s ability to say “no” clearly and understandably rather than in hidden and controlling ways through their protective parts.
As clients begin to trust themselves and us in asserting “no” to connection, we develop their ability to say “yes” to test whether we can see, appreciate, and join them in their experience. The sense of no longer being alone is not entirely pleasant, but also frightening. After a lifetime of being alone, judged, and unseen, it isn’t easy to believe that another could understand and support the pockets of experience beneath our protective parts.
In this training, we learn to welcome emptiness, collapse, cynicism, disgust, and rage and what it takes to be trustworthy guides in the client’s journey to reassociate with these disowned experiences. We support clients in bringing these experiences into awareness with validation and appreciation. We develop the client’s ability to trust their wisdom about whether and when it is safe to let us “in,” to trust they do not have to be alone, and are safe to explore these spaces with our guiding presence.

Clinicians need care and support to explore those places within themselves to work with clients at this level. This training will focus on being seen and supported for our caretaking, accommodating, and other protective parts that work hard in the room in our professional roles. We will develop our ability to say “no” and “yes” to deeper connection and to glimpse and begin to appreciate and explore the pockets of dissociated experience beneath our protective parts.
We will create an intimate, accepting, and caring container. From there, we will encourage our parts to be seen, validated, and supported as they resonate with and react to different ways of working more powerfully with our clients. We will emerge with more clarity and understanding of ourselves and how we want to approach our clinical work. We will be encouraged to be open and creative while continuing to appreciate current and beloved models.
We will offer 24 certified education credits for this training, pending application and approval. Trusted Journeys, Inc. is solely responsible for all aspects of the program.

Lori Marchak, MS, Ph.D, LMFT, LCPC
Lori is an ICEEFT Therapist, ICEEFT Supervisor, and Certified IFS Therapist. A deeply experiential therapist, Lori has been at the forefront of bringing both EFT and IFS to the State of Montana. Lori has trained for over a dozen years in EFT, and is a founding member and training director for the Montana Community for EFT. Lori has worked closely with several EFT trainers, and has provided joint trainings with Roy Hodgson in Seattle and Debi Scimeca-Diaz in New Jersey. She led a Bozeman-based group practice grounded in IFS as well as EFT.
Lori’s clients travel from all over the country and internationally to work with her in three-day intensives designed to bring healing and transformation. Lori specializes in working with complex and generational trauma. Lori is passionate and gifted as a couple therapist, and finds intensive work with individuals incredibly meaningful as well. She is known for her ease, safety, and warmth, as well as her strength and confidence as a guide through deeper, underlying material.
More Details
Benefits of attending this event:
- See yourself and your clients with more clarity and compassion.
- Gain confidence in embracing and integrating the gifts from both EFT and IFS models.
- Develop a clear understanding of the similarities and differences between popular and influential experiential therapies.
- Develop your ability to work relationally with client parts in the room.
- Deepen your work beyond what either model can provide on its own.
- Become reinvigorated and re-inspired in your work.
- *24 continuing credit hours. Better Together has been approved by NBCC for NBCC credit. Trusted Journeys, Inc. is solely responsible for all aspects of the program. NBCC Approval No. SP-4752.

Learning Objectives
This workshop is designed to help clinicians
- Appreciate the extent of cultural and generational burdens in understanding attachment trauma and client personality systems
- Articulate the key similarities and differences between EFT and IFS.
- Translate between EFT and IFS terminology.
- Experientially compare and contrast the IFS and EFT therapist stances.
- See and appreciate client parts in the room that are used to being ignored or managed.
- Understand and practice the use of relational encounters when working with parts.
- Assess, welcome, and engage with the client’s mistrust of the therapist.
- Understand the process of reassociation to dissociated experience and its relationship to healing.
- Apply more transparency and client collaboration.
- Receive support and appreciation for your own parts.
- Conceptualize working with ANS states and protection around those states.
- Deepen confidence and skill in working with contempt, anger/fear, collapse, and emptiness.
- Explain the neuroscience that supports a relational parts model.
- Observe live sessions in a relational parts model.
What's New in BT 2025?
Have you attended a Better Together training before? If so, here’s what will be new in this training.
- This model is being articulated as a new model standing on its own, inspired by EFT, IFS, and PSIP, and not simply about integrating EFT and IFS
- More and different experiential exercises to enter into trust and mistrust, connection and disconnection, and pockets of dissociated experience, with the support of other participants
- Updated and clarified teaching modules
- More focus on working with emptiness, collapse, disgust, rage, and terror
- While all of these principles and teachings apply to working with individuals, all of the modeling and exercises will be done with couples as clients, to provide more support to those doing couple work.
Staying at Ghost Ranch
Healthy and delicious meals will be provided in a group dining room, including dinner on Tuesday, breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Wednesday through Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday morning. Vegetarian and vegan diets will be accommodated. Participants are welcome to bring food to Ghost Ranch, and a guest refrigerator will be available in a shared space.
Ghost Ranch’s accommodations are simple, with private bathrooms in each room. Many rooms have two queen beds, and you may choose to have a room on your own or double occupancy. Several suites and historic rooms with private baths are also available. ADA-compliant rooms are available. Check-in is from 3-5 pm on Tuesday, February 25.
At just over 6,000 feet elevation, Ghost Ranch is in a high desert climate, where daily temperatures fluctuate widely. Bring clothes to be comfortable exploring the outdoors. At this time of year, it is likely to be below freezing (25-32 degrees Fahrenheit) in the mornings and evenings, when you may want a warm jacket, hats, and gloves. During the day, the temperature will likely be in the 50s, with abundant sunshine and very low humidity, when you might want a light jacket, sunscreen, a sun hat, and sunglasses.
Ghost Ranch offers a variety of guest activities. We will organize one group activity—TBA—for Friday afternoon. If you’d like to arrange another activity, such as horseback riding or a massage, don’t hesitate to contact them directly. Be sure to pack a large water bottle, small backpack, and good walking shoes if you plan on hiking. Ghost Ranch also has two museums and a library that is open 24 hours a day.
Smoking is prohibited inside guest rooms or group facilities, and Ghost Ranch advises against leaving valuables in your vehicle.
8:30-Noon: Workshop
Noon: Lunch
1-2:00 pm: Nature Break
2:00-5:30 pm: Workshop
8:30-Noon: Workshop
Noon: Lunch
2:00-5:30 pm: Workshop
8:30-Noon: Workshop
Noon: Lunch
1-5:30 pm: Nature Break
5:30 pm: Dinner
8:30-Noon: Workshop
Noon: Lunch
2:00-5:30 pm: Workshop
8:30-10:00 am Nature Break and Room Check Out
To get the most from this training, participants should (1) understand the Emotionally Focused Therapy model and have practice working with either individuals or couples in that model. Ideally, participants will have completed an EFT Externship. Likewise, participants will have (2) basic understanding and experience with the Internal Family Systems model through formal or informal learning or personal therapy. Experience using IFS in your practice is not required.
Interest and curiosity in exploring emerging ideas in experiential therapy is more important than prior training and experience.
EFT and IFS have fundamental differences. EFT prioritizes the attachment relationship, beginning with an attachment relationship between the client and therapist as the primary source of healing. IFS assumes the existence of an intact, infinite, and spiritual Self within each of us, and prioritizes one’s own Self as the primary source of healing. From a client perspective, EFT and IFS sessions feel very different. With lack of collaboration between model leaders, practitioners who are attracted to both models can become lost and confused while attempting to bring them together.
This experiential workshop helps clinicians clarify what is the same but said in a different language and what truly differentiates the Emotionally Focused Therapy and Internal Family Systems models. It shows clinicians how they can playfully, creatively, and powerfully integrate these models in a manner that resonates with their own parts and Self. This workshop focuses on teaching and practicing new, emergent concepts and techniques that arise when working from both the EFT lens and IFS lens simultaneously. These include cultural burdens and attachment, encounters with parts, developing the ability to say “no” before “yes,” encouraging mistrust and working with ANS states and protection around those states.
Getting to Ghost Ranch
Getting there is easy! We’re providing two free shuttles from the centrally located Santa Fe Sage Hotel to the Ghost Ranch on Tuesday, Feb 25 (departing at 11:00 AM and 2:30 PM) and again on Sunday March 2 (departing at 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM), accommodating up to 14 people in each shuttle. First come first served for reservations. Please contact Tahlia at t.rainboltphd@gmail.com with questions or to reserve your seat.
If you’re flying into Albuquerque, you can take public transportation to Sante Fe to catch our shuttle. As we get closer, we’ll send links to information about public transportation between Albuquerque and Santa Fe.
Nonstop flights to Santa Fe depart from Denver, Dallas, and Phoenix. Nonstop flights to Albuquerque depart from 12 airports, including Dallas, Phoenix, Los Angeles, and Chicago with American Airlines; Denver, Houston, and San Francisco with United; and Salt Lake City, Atlanta, and Minneapolis with Delta.
Another alternative is to drive to the Ghost Ranch from the Santa Fe or Albuquerque airports to give yourself more time to explore beautiful northern New Mexico. The driving distance from the Santa Fe airport is approximately an hour and a half, and from the Albuquerque airport, approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes. If you plan to drive, please carpool with other participants. An email group will be formed before the training to facilitate travel coordination.
Policies and Procedures
Confidentiality of Participant Information and Breaches of Confidentiality
Trusted Journeys, Inc. will ensure that participant information, including name, contact, and payment information, will be kept confidential. In the case of a breach of confidentiality, Trusted Journeys will contact the participant.
Program Complaints
If a participant or potential participant would like to express a concern about Lori Marchak or a continuing education program provided by Trusted Journeys, the individual may email Lori Marchak at trustedjourneys@gmail.com, Laura Spiller, drspiller@lauracspillerphd.com, training coordinator, or Tahlia Rainboldt, t.rainboltphd@gmail.com, training coordinator. Although we do not guarantee a particular outcome, Trusted Journeys will consider the complaint, make any necessary decisions, and respond within 30 days.
Fees, Refunds, and Cancellation
The fees, refund, and cancellation policy are located on the registration form, below.
Credit will be given for live attendance only. Partial credit will be given based on hours in attendance, when the participant attends at least 6 hours of the live training.
Disclosure or Use of Client Information in a CE Program
Client information must not be disclosed by a presenter or participant unless proper informed consent has been obtained for use in a continuing education program.