Thus it’s safe to say most couples find themselves caught in challenging and painful negative relationship patterns. Tragically, once partners find themselves in negative relationship cycles, they often remain stuck indefinitely.

Why are intimate relationships so challenging?
On the other hand, many couples don’t have the level of awareness needed to support each other emotionally. Instead, they attempt to provide support in practical ways by making money, providing a home and possessions, spending time, and doing things for each other.
While partners may appreciate each other’s practical supports, these supports may not address deeper, underlying emotional needs. When partners don’t fulfill deeper emotional needs, they become frustrated. With continued frustration, they may judge themselves, each other, and their relationship.

How can partners find the way to happiness from suffering?
Second, partners can prioritize addressing underlying emotional needs over ignoring them or trying to “fix” things for each other. With more educational resources than available to previous generations, partners can attempt to do this independently. Couples can learn to own and use their anger to get the relationship they want and deserve. They can develop new levels of emotional awareness. Ideally, partners can focus on repairing rather than preventing hurt. When patterns are too deep to go it alone, they can seek help early on.
With the relatively new availability of educational and therapeutic resources, couples have a greater ability than ever before to understand and heal negative relationship patterns. By making depth of emotional understanding and support a priority in their relationship, partners can successfully rise above the painful patterns that otherwise destroy relationships and relationship potential.
Photo by Mylon Ollila on Unsplash